Your sage decision to deny reauthorization of the Export-Import Bank has created jobs!
In Europe.
Jobs that used to be in South Carolina, USA.
Back in June, General Electric's chief executive, Jeffrey Immelt, said that he would move jobs out of the United States if the Ex-Im Bank was not re-approved. Republican lawmakers did not, it would seems, take this threat seriously. Those senators included South Carolina's own Senator Jeff Duncan.
And then today I hear on NPR that GE is moving hundreds of jobs out of South Carolina, as they promised, and sending them out of the country entirely, also as promised.
This is a good time to remind faithful readers that whenever a modern Republican - especially John Boehner - uses the phrase "job-killing" to describe anything, said thing is bound to be an economic bonanza and should therefore be supported fully. I don't know if Boehner actually used his favorite phrase to describe the Ex-Im Bank, but it seems like something he'd do.
12 minutes ago
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