
woo hoo, it's Saturday!

It has been quite a while since I was surprised by a Saturday.

Saturday is not a weekend day for me, strictly speaking, because I work from Wednesday to Sunday, but I like the Saturday lineup on my local public radio stations.

I listen to WCQS out of Asheville, North Carolina on a small clock radio in the kitchen from the time I get home until noon. Then I go to the living room and turn on that room's radio, which is tuned to WEPR out of Greenville, South Carolina. WEPR plays Whad'ya Know with Michael Feldman from noon until 1 PM, which is when I turn that radio back off and go turn the kitchen radio back on to continue with WQCS's programming.

Fortunately for me, my house is very small and both radios can be heard easily from anywhere in the house.

The reason I have radios in different rooms tuned to different stations is, WCQS only comes in clearly if the radio is in the kitchen. WEPR only comes in clearly if the radio is in the living room. Rather than unplugging the radio from the wall every time I want to switch stations, I just use two radios.

Now I have a headache and need to stop looking at a computer screen. Time to take Rocko out for a bit and then I'll take a nap. Only two more nights until my weekend!

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