

We've been feeling pretty lousy lately. It has been about two weeks now that I have been feeling "flu-ish"; no fever, but general malaise and little appetite (even when I think I'm hungry).

This week it hit Lisa as well. She had to go to the doctor on Wednesday, and yesterday we hoisted our sorry asses into the car to fill her prescriptions. Neither of us felt like doing it, but it needed to be done. A side benefit was the cool, fresh air.

While waiting for the scripts, we went across the street to the supermarket and tried to find a relatively fresh pecan pie. The bakery had none (but they had a lot of pumpkin pies) so we bought a couple of boxes of pecan tarts and a frozen pecan pie. That was our day-after-Thanksgiving Thanksgiving dinner and we made the most of it.

On the holiday itself, neither of us felt up to eating a full meal. We didn't even call any family members. It was just a quiet day of rest - one that we needed.

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