
the new, safer United States and Iraq since Saddam was captured

Suddenly we have numerous airline flights grounded or banned outright due to terrorist "chatter."
If these threats existed before Saddam's capture, why weren't flights grounded or banned before?
Tonight on Charlie Rose, Richard Perle is trying his best to make his point about how dangerous the Islamic world is to the United States. While this threat existed to some degree before the W. Bush misAdministration, Perle [draft dodger] and the other ChickenHawks just refuse to see that their own belligerent attitude on the worldwide stage has made the playing field that much more dangerous.

"Democracies don't start wars," Perle just said. "Dictators make wars." What is he saying about his own boss, G.W. Bush, without intending to?

Saddam Hussein, horrendous despot though he was, never posed a threat to the United States. Not even before Gulf War I. After that war, his warmaking ability was eliminated except on paper.

Perle now says that Saddam supported terrorists. Maybe he did, but he did NOT SUPPORT Al-Qaeda! Osama HATED Saddam. Osama considered Saddam an infidel.

What about the over-used term, "weapons of mass destruction?"

Gas is not a weapon of mass destruction. Bio-weapons are not weapons of mass destruction. Not when you are up against the world's largest nuclear (that's noo-clee-ar, not noo-kyoo-laaar, folks - maybe our pResident needs to bone up on his Hooked On Phonics tapes) arsenal.

Nuclear (noo-clee-ar) weapons create mass destruction. Chemical weapons create strictly localized death and injury. Bio-weapons are unreliable.

There are only a handful of nations in the world who have true "weapons of mass destruction" in their hands. We are one; our allies comprise the majority of the remainder.

Israel is one of them.

But, I digress. My point is that the Bush misAdministration has led us into a useless war in Iraq; has failed to complete their mission in Afghanistan (no Osama - he is the real enemy, not Saddam - who was a paper tiger); has miserably failed on the domestic front (the stock market is recovering, but historically all recessions are self-correcting - but Bush's has lasted longer than most, and the jobs still aren't coming back); has alienated our more than 50-year allies, and perhaps worst of all : this administration is comprised of draft-dodging bullies who suddenly think that they are military geniuses.

They've proved themselves wrong on every front.

This administration has been a disaster on so many fronts:
- economic
- environmental
- sociological
- educational
- geopolitical
- constitutional

If I may bring up the "I told you so" issue, much as I dislike doing so - it's such a Republican trait, after all, and I dislike associating myself with anything they would normally do (but we'll never beat them if we entirely avoid their own dirty pool) - recall, if you will, the following quote from George Walker Bush during the 2000 Presidential campaign:

"I'm a uniter, not a divider."

Has anybody out there actually seen any evidence of this during his so-called Presidency? He started out by dividing us, and has done so avariciously during his entire reign.

Dubya used his (or Karl Rove's) ability to divide the populace as a tool to climb the steps to the presidency. Since he has occupied that office ("occupied" is an appropriate word - I live in Tallahassee, the capital of Florida, and have learned to see electoral corruption as par for the course, I'm sorry to say) he has continued to use the "divide and conquer" theory as his domestic and global policy.

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