
the place we call the zoo

background entertainment: "Brave New World," video, (c)1998 Universal Television Entertainment, starring Leonard Nimoy as Mond (excellent choice)

Have you heard the latest? There are groups urging a boycott of MCI because their current spokesman, Danny Glover, has not only disparaged George W. Bush (gasp!) but he has signed a letter saying the US government's "harassment against Cuba could serve as a pretext for an invasion."

Let's not be fools. This doesn't mean that Cuba would invade the United States. What is meant is that Bush and his Insane Billionaire Posse could just possibly choose Castro's Cuba as the next "immediate threat to Homeland Security."

What will they find "conclusive evidence" of in Cuba? 40-year old rusty missiles with malfunctioning electronics, that somehow were overlooked in the days of Kennedy and Khruschev? Fleets of refurbished 1954 Chevys outfitted with water wings, ready to land on Key West, loaded for bear with Sarin and botulinum toxin? Hey, with Rummy and Cheney at the wheel, you never know.

Anyway, the Tom Swifties at "Judicial Watch" say that "MCI must fire Glover. (They) can't have a spokesman supporting terrorist Castro any more than it should have a spokesman supporting Osama Bin Laden."

Yup, there's a parallel for ya. Real deep thinkers at Judicial Watch.

Oh, brave new world, that has such people in it.

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