A few days ago we learned that the mortgage company will be changing the locks on our house in Florida a couple of weeks from now. So, Lisa is making a trip to Florida to get the remainder of her possessions out of the house.
She booked a cheap flight to Orlando, where she will be picked up by our friend Marina, who is in Orlando working on her Master's degree. Marina will get Lisa to New Port Richey, where she will stay with her sister. Lisa's sister, brother-in-law and ex-husband will all help her get the stuff out of the house. She is paying her ex gas money to bring her and the stuff back to North Carolina.
I have to stay here and work. Our neighbor Teresa will take Lisa to the Asheville airport on Thursday morning; she has to be there before I get home from work. We'll have to say our goodbyes the night before.
And so I am running around, manically doing the dishes and laundry, preparing her medication list so she can take care of them herself while she's gone and installing Skype on my computer so we can see each other while she's gone. She's starting to pack, but she only needs warm-weather clothing so it will be a small piece of luggage. We'd rather not pay for any checked bags.
Meanwhile, it is a beautiful day outside. A couple days of rain have turned the Pigeon river running down our valley into whitewater, trees are turning color and leaves are flying in the wind.
1 hour ago
If she can come down to Fort Lauderdale, I can give her my for-parts bass (needs a new nut and new pickups/wiring - cheap on eBay) to give to you.