
rain, pain and Turk's Caps

Lisa's bedside flower is more spectacular than usual this week. The Turk's Cap lilies are coming on. I picked this one yesterday morning before the rain began falling.

When I was driving around yesterday, I saw them in abundance on the roadside.

We're getting summer rain showers. Unlike most of our recent rainstorms, these aren't thunderstorms. Just good soaking rain. I'm sure that the local farmers are happy; the corn, tomatoes and beans look happy.

On Tuesday, Lisa had her initial appointment with her new spine doctor. She has new pain, slightly higher in her back than before. This cool rainy weather isn't helping either.

We like the doctor who examined her, but she walked out in even more pain than when she had when we came in. That's the nature of the examination process. In order to determine where the problem lies, the doctor had to poke and prod and lift Lisa's legs until the pain caused him to stop.

There are nerve issues related to her spine problem; her right leg is somewhat numb to the touch but also tingles or burns.

The doctor determined, based on Lisa's reaction to touch and manipulation, that the problem lies with her L5 vertebra.

On Friday we go in for her MRI.They'll be sedating her for the MRI so we need to be there a couple of hours early.

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