
the heat continues

Yesterday's high temperature here at Château Cruso was 90℉, briefly at about 2 P.M. It only fell to 60℉ last night. We left the windows open all night and until it reached 66℉ at about 9:30 A.M. We're already closed up for the day.

We agreed to try the A/C yesterday afternoon. I set it at 80℉ around-the-clock and it didn't come on until about 5 P.M., but it ran fairly often for a few hours after that. This morning I reset it for 82℉ around-the-clock. The temperature in the living room fell to 74℉ before I had to shut all the windows and close the blinds to keep out the encroaching warmth.

The humidity is high this morning, a sign of impending change in the weather. We've been pretty dry lately except for some cold morning dew that burned off quickly without making it feel humid.

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